Sunday, February 10, 2008

Welcome to Blog Manion

My story is one of achieving my own American dream, where hard work and opportunity can mean great success. Today, however, that opportunity and hope for the future is in danger for many others.

It is in danger because the politicians in Washington have forgotten their jobs. They have forgotten that the basis of public service is working for us.

Today, I am called to service -- committed to making a difference on all the issues that affect America and our local community.

I am not a politician. I am, however, a very concerned citizen. I am a husband, father, grandfather and taxpayer. I share the concerns of the people of our community.

I share the anger of my neighbors that, in Washington, divisive partisan politics trump the public good and politicians fight instead of join together to find solutions to common problems.

I share the knowledge that this is not a Republican or Democrat problem. Both parties are at fault for this.

Most important, I share the strong desire for real change in Washington so Congress once again works for us.

Please join me. Let me be our voice to begin this crucial process. Let me be our voice as we take back Washington from the politicians and restore the promise and opportunity of America.

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